Monitoring and evaluation consulting services

Impact monitoring and evaluation of projects/ policies, beyond being required, is something of utmost importance either in terms of shaping the activities and/ or investments under projects/ policies in order to better meet the needs and objectives, or in terms of showing the difference made under the projects/ policies, the outputs and the outcomes.

All project/policy needs at least 3 waves of monitoring and evaluation surveys: one as baseline in order to know the t0 situation; the second as mid-term evaluation in order to monitor and evaluate the progress and the third at the end of the project/ policy implementation in order to show the results and the impact the project/ policy made in the target communities.

CURS has a long tradition in conducting impact evaluation and monitoring surveys and some are listed below:

  • 2014-2016 – Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project second mid-term and final impact evaluation; Beneficiary: Project Management Unit – Ministerul Mediului, Apelor si Padurilor and The World Bank;
  • 2016 – Evaluation on poverty reduction in Romania of social allowances and policies – guaranteed minimum income; Beneficiary: INCSMPS;
  • 2016 – Evaluation of disaster risks at nationwide level (RO-RISK); Beneficiary: Institutul de sociologie al Academiei;
  • 2014-2015 – Evaluation of active measures on unemployment reduction and on employment increase; Beneficiary: Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Protectiei Sociale si Persoanelor Varstnice;
  • 2012 – Mid-term Evaluation of the “Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control” project; Beneficiary: Project Management Unit – Ministerul Mediului, Apelor si Padurilor and The World Bank;
  • 2011 – EPE-SER – End of Project Evaluation – Mine Closure, Environmental and Socio-Economic Regeneration Project; Beneficiary: Romanian Agency for Sustainable Development of Industrial Areas -ARDDZI through The World Bank.
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