Besides rating points, reach and share indicators, there are many other aspects worth investigating with regard to a TV programming. Is the host of a TV programming, the guests, the topics or the format that keep or not the audience engaged throughout the TV programming?  What can be done better? How can be improved a TV programming? These are essential questions that any TV channel marketing department has to be asking.

mass media

Besides rating points, reach and share indicators, there are many other aspects worth investigating with regard to a TV programming. Is the host of a TV programming, the guests, the topics or the format that keep or not the audience engaged throughout the TV programming?  What can be done better? How can be improved a TV programming? These are essential questions that any TV channel marketing department has to be asking.

CURS has been conducting such research for major TV channels in Romania such as Antena 1, Pro TV, National Television Station (TVR).

Moreover, TV channels play a major role in socialization and information. TV programming might have an important role in children’s education. Hence, CURS conducted several researches for the National Audiovisual Council of Romania;;

and domestic NGOs regarding the influence of the TV programming on children’s behaviour.

  • Exit poll for the Romanian Presidential elections, firs round

    CURS has run an exit poll for the Romanian persidential election, first round. Results are as follows: Mircea Diaconu (One Man Alliance) – 8.2pct Theodor Paleologu (PMP) – 5.2pct Kelemen Hunor (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania) – 4.6pct Ramona-Ioana Bruynseels (Humanist Power Party) – 2.0pct Alexandru Cumpanasu (independent) – 1.2pct Viorel Catarama (Liberal Right) –
